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Explore Seattle

Seattle fun fact

The Space Needle was first sketched on a napkin!


City founded


City population


Days on market


Median home price

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icon-our-clients Our happy clients

Niki H.
Monica, thank you for connecting me with Tyler. He has been a dream to work with and was a perfect match for us. He went above and beyond. I’m closing on a condo on Monda…
Polly P.
Thanks for connecting us with Andrea. Her dedication and hard work were truly impressive, and she got our home under contract in less than a week. We couldn’t have done i…
Jenny Wilson
Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet sint. Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit. Exercitation veniam consequat sunt nostrud amet.

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Inside A Rare Find in Upper Queen Anne: The Fitzgerald Condos

The Last of Its Kind It’s been years since Upper Queen Anne has seen the construction of new condos. The last such development, a sleek & modern seven-unit building, came up in 2019, and before that, …

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7 Things You Must Know Before Moving To Seattle (From California!)

1. The Seattle Freeze is Real… but Meltable One common concern about relocating to Seattle is the so-called “Seattle Freeze,” referring to the city’s reputation for a chilly social scene…

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Cost Of Living In Seattle

How Far Will $20 Go? RENTAL HOUSING: $2,400 The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment was $1,967 in 2023. For a luxury option, you can expect to pay closer to $2,500. The ultimate water view as pictured here…

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Downtown Seattle Luxury Condos For Sale

Nexus: Positioned right next to the I5 freeway on-ramps, Nexus is incredibly convenient for those frequently traveling north and south by car. While the immediate surroundings lack activity at the moment, numer…

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